ACEs Training Opportunities


In September 2020, the Pinetree Institute in Eliot, Maine, hosted an ACE Interface training for approximately 30 local individuals from all walks of life. This training focused on understanding how adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) impact children's brain development and can therefore result in numerous physical and emotional difficulties throughout their lives. The training was made possible by local Rotary Clubs, the Maine Community Foundation and Kennebunk Savings Bank, and was taught by Dr. Rob Anda, who conducted the original ACEs study in the 1990's.

The 30 participants spent three full days learning about the ACEs and the implications for individuals and communities and now are Master Trainers for ACE Interface and the Pinetree Institute. The Master Trainers include counselors, law enforcement professionals, retired individuals and teachers and all are now offering ACEs training throughout York County and southern New Hampshire – free of charge – to any group or organization that would like to learn more about ACEs.

Biddeford Ready!'s Network Coordinator, Sharon Trace, was fortunate to be able to be part of this training during her first week on the job with Biddeford Ready! As a Master Trainer, Sharon has already offered one training to a local Rotary Club and is ready to offer training to other local groups. Trainings can be as short as a 20-minute introduction to ACEs, or a 60-90 minute more complete understanding of ACEs science.

A free ACEs training will be held by the Pinetree Institute (Sharon will be teaching with several other Master Trainers), designed especially for parents and caregivers.

Please join us on Tuesday, March 23rd from 6:00pm – 7:15pm for an interactive, engaging opportunity to learn about:

  • Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) - gain understanding about how what happened to us as children might be impacting our lives as adults; and

  • Core Protective Factors and Positive Childhood Experiences – discover actions to offset or buffer the potential impacts of ACEs.

The presentation is open to everyone, but with content designed specifically for parents and caregivers. Please share the links with any of your friends who might benefit! There is no cost to attend, but please do click on the link below to register in advance.

Email Sharon at if you or your group would be interested in learning more about ACEs.


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